
How To Fix South Park Stick Of Truth

  • #1
So Friday I bought this game, being very excited for it, it was one of the first games that I have been very eager to play in a very, very long time. I haven't gotten this invested in an RPG since I played Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow on the Game Boy Advanced a few years ago. Personally, I absolutely adore this game, it may play like your standard RPG, but it's all the presentation of this game, and the charm from the hysterical cast of South Park. Now, there's nothing I can really say that I dislike about this game. It's a very well-polished RPG and I felt really immersed into the world of South Park whilst playing this game. My only problem with it, which is mostly everyone's problem, is how damn buggy it is. Now, I've heard a lot of stories already about how buggy this game is, but frankly, before my game-breaking glitch had happened, I thought nothing of it. It's mostly just minor bugs that I notice in a lot of modern games I have on the 360. I'll notice things not spawning in time when I enter new areas, I've had minor audio bugs, I've noticed a texture bug, my characters walk cycle has just stopped and I have seen him just looking forward as he moves, I've even seen him lose a pupil quite often. Although, I haven't seen anything too bad before this. To start, I was on the mission where Cartman assigns you to recruit the Goth Kids for the KKK, in which the goth kids agree to join you, but only once you've fulfilled a few requests for them, they want you to become "one of them." If you've played the game, then odds are, you know what I'm referring to. Now, for me, this was the first main story mission in which the characters didn't straight up tell you where to go, so to save unnecessary frustration on my behalf, I decided to look up a walkthrough on IGN to help me navigate my way through this segment. I had gotten very far in this level and I had mostly completed it, but then I had gotten to the point where the goth kids inform you that in order for you to truly be goth, you have to do something that would earn you the title of "Nonconformist." Which, in order to do this, the goths assign you to walk into a PTA meeting in the Community Center next to the school holding a sign that reads "F*** the Conformists." I censored myself because I'm not sure if swearing is permitted on the IGN forums, but that's besides the point. Now, whenever I enter the building, a cut scene triggers showing the parents of South Park being outraged by the birth of this new Taco Bell taking away precious school time of the students of South Park. Whenever the cut scene has finished, I am now walking around the area, not able to open up my menu, run, fart, anything other than move and interact with the PTA members. Now, whenever this cut scene finishes, you are supposed to be able to go into the boy's bathroom of the Community Center and upon entering the bathroom, Randy Marsh, Stan's father, is supposed to teach you your third fart-move "he Sneaky Squeaker." But whenever I enter the bathroom, the cut scene where Randy teaches me this move doesn't trigger causing me to not be able to learn the move. Which, causes me to not be able to complete the next segment in which I have to fart on the guards, then get through that area I think. I'm just asking you IGN, what can I do to fix this? I've tried a lot of things, but nothing seems to work. I've loaded previous saves, I've tried changing what file it was on, but still, nothing works. I really need help here because I absolutely love this game, I payed $60 for it, I put seven hours into it, but nothing seems to work. It's really upsetting because I feel like this is a game that I would have played over and over again if it had worked. Please, any suggestion is VERY appreciated.
  • #2
Sorry, until you learn how to format your posts, not many people are going to read what you have to say. Paragraphs exist for a reason. Try them.
  • #3
Sorry, until you learn how to format your posts, not many people are going to read what you have to say. Paragraphs exist for a reason. Try them.
Okay, sorry for that. I was just trying to ask a question. I'm not a forum person, so excuse me for that.
  • #4
I suggest just going to the main menu and hopefully they start you up outside the community center. If you're unable to pause then just turn off your console.

I had a game breaking glitch in the beginning of the game, where you have to counter attack one of the kids in the training area. I blocked one of the kids hits and he fell over with his butt sticking out. He just sat in that same position looking back at me. The game wouldn't let me do attack him or anything. I just reset it and it was fine.

  • #5
Sorry, until you learn how to format your posts, not many people are going to read what you have to say. Paragraphs exist for a reason. Try them.
Okay, sorry for that. I was just trying to ask a question. I'm not a forum person, so excuse me for that.

It's not about being a forum person. It's about formatting your post into something that's easy to read. When you present anything as a giant wall of text, it makes it incredibly hard to read, and quite honestly most people will ignore it. Hopefully someone that played the game can help you with your issue.
  • #6
Sorry, until you learn how to format your posts, not many people are going to read what you have to say. Paragraphs exist for a reason. Try them.
Okay, sorry for that. I was just trying to ask a question. I'm not a forum person, so excuse me for that.

It's not about being a forum person. It's about formatting your post into something that's easy to read. When you present anything as a giant wall of text, it makes it incredibly hard to read, and quite honestly most people will ignore it. Hopefully someone that played the game can help you with your issue.
Well, in many instances, I guess I would, but quite honestly, this issue has been bugging me so much that I wasn't even really thinking. I guess I could fix it now that I just noticed an "edit" button.
  • #7
Okay, sorry for that. I was just trying to ask a question. I'm not a forum person, so excuse me for that.

It's not about being a forum person. It's about formatting your post into something that's easy to read. When you present anything as a giant wall of text, it makes it incredibly hard to read, and quite honestly most people will ignore it. Hopefully someone that played the game can help you with your issue.
Well, in many instances, I guess I would, but quite honestly, this issue has been bugging me so much that I wasn't even really thinking. I guess I could fix it now that I just noticed an "edit" button.
Scratch that, I guess there was no "edit" button. My bad.
  • #8
It's not about being a forum person. It's about formatting your post into something that's easy to read. When you present anything as a giant wall of text, it makes it incredibly hard to read, and quite honestly most people will ignore it. Hopefully someone that played the game can help you with your issue.
Well, in many instances, I guess I would, but quite honestly, this issue has been bugging me so much that I wasn't even really thinking. I guess I could fix it now that I just noticed an "edit" button.
Scratch that, I guess there was no "edit" button. My bad.

For some reason IGN stops letting you edit a post after a certain amount of time.
Aug 22, 2013
  • #9
Just load an earlier save.
  • #10
You have to walk to the front of the table and push A, (ie try to tape your sign to the table) and it will trigger the Randy cut scene in the bathroom. My menu didn't work in there either I think that's normal.
  • #11
I haven't had any kind of similar problem. I'm sorry you've found a "game breaking" glitch though.
  • #12
Really? I got it on pc so I can't speak for the 360 version but I haven't encountered any bugs. If I missed something in the op's post it's because it was a giant wall of text and my eyes were starting to bleed.

This is my signature.....apparently

  • #13
Here's the fix to your problem. It's not gliching, this 2 minute video should help you learn Randy Marsh's fart lol
  • #14
Wtf, your English teacher should beat you.
  • #15
You need to try to put the sign on the table at the front of the room. Then Randy will come and take it, talk to you for a minute, then tell you to meet him in the bathroom.
  • #16
I experienced this exact "glitch" myself. Descriptions like this TLDR are how game developers improve quality. Everyone posting in regards to the OP's format, would've been better off just shutting their ignorant mouths.
  • #17
Jan 16, 2015
  • #18
Did not read. Way too long.
  • #19
Im at the beginning of the game where you have to get craig...or clyde...out of detention. everytime i go to the hallway and it tells me to fart on the fire, it doesnt work. im stuck. am i missing something??? or is it yet another game ending glitch?
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How To Fix South Park Stick Of Truth


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